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Encyclopaedia of vines - search results

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229 Plants
Other climbers
156 Plants
Actinidia and other fruit plants
118 Plants
Ground covers
70 Plants
Latin name English name DECORATION FORM Evergreen plant Annual growth Aspect Density on 1 m2 Frost hardiness
from to
Hydrangea anomala 'Mirranda' Climbing Hydrangea 'Mirranda' leaves, flowers No 0,5 m Zones 5 - 7
Hydrangea anomala 'Mirranda'

Climbing Hydrangea 'Mirranda'

A new cultivar with green leaves with yellow margins. White flowers in corymbs, in June-July. It climbs by attaching itself to the support by aerial root and can grow up to 6-10 m tall (0,5 m annually). Frost hardy. Thrives best in moist and acid soils in well lit positions that don’t receive direct sunlight. Particularly useful for growing on walls, trees, pergolas and as a groundcover. Well suited for ...


Latin name English name DECORATION FORM Evergreen plant Annual growth Aspect Density on 1 m2 Frost hardiness
from to
Lonicera japonica 'Halliana' Japanese Honeysuckle 'Halliana' fragrant flowers Yes 1-2 m Zones 6 - 9
Lonicera japonica 'Halliana'

Japanese Honeysuckle 'Halliana'

A rampant species reaching up to 5m (1-2m of annual growth) on a suitable support. Flowers white, changing to yellow, very fragrant, produced continuously on the young growths from June to October. Exceptionally floriferous. Semi-evergreen leaves on vigorous shoots. The stems twine around the supports. Performs well in moderate soils and in partial shade. It may freeze during severe winters.
An excellent climber for covering large spaces, tall ...


Latin name English name DECORATION FORM Evergreen plant Annual growth Aspect Density on 1 m2 Frost hardiness
from to
Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Moonlight' Japanese Hydrangea-vine 'Moonlight' leaves, flowers No 0,5 m Zones 6 - 8
Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Moonlight'

Japanese Hydrangea-vine 'Moonlight'

An ornamental climber, supporting itself by means of aerial roots. White flowers are borne in large, flattened cymes. Attractive heart-shaped, slivery glaucous leaves turn yellow in autumn. Though slow-growing (0,5m of annual growth), it eventually reaches 6m.
Superb species for partially shady or shady positions, walls, tree trunks and as ground cover.


Latin name English name DECORATION FORM Evergreen plant Annual growth Aspect Density on 1 m2 Frost hardiness
from to
Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Roseum' Japanese Hydrangea-vine 'Roseum' flowers No 0,5 m 2-4 Zones 5B - 8
Schizophragma hydrangeoides 'Roseum'

Japanese Hydrangea-vine 'Roseum'

A new cultivar of Hydrangea-vine with pale yellow flowers that open in July. Heart-shaped leaves are deep green with a slightly reddish shade, yellow in autumn. It climbs by means of aerial roots. It prefers moist and acid soil. A superb plant for partially shady or shady positions, walls, trees and as ground cover. Prune moderately, only when needed.


Latin name English name DECORATION FORM Evergreen plant Annual growth Aspect Density on 1 m2 Frost hardiness
from to
Pachysandra terminalis 'Green Carpet' Japanese pachysandra 'Green Carpet' leaves, flowers Yes 0,2 m 5 Zones 6A - 8
Pachysandra terminalis 'Green Carpet'

Japanese pachysandra 'Green Carpet'

Great evergreen ground cover for a variety of shady locations in all types of gardens, parks, public spaces.


Latin name English name DECORATION FORM Evergreen plant Annual growth Aspect Density on 1 m2 Frost hardiness
from to
Euonymus fortunei 'Harlequin' Spindle, Fortune's spindle, Winter creeper 'Harlequin' leaves Yes 0,3 m 10-15 Zones 6 - 8
Euonymus fortunei 'Harlequin'

Spindle, Fortune's spindle, Winter creeper 'Harlequin'

Low growing, procumbent, evergreen shrub of compact  habit and attractive leaves ˗ evergreen with  pronounced cream-coloured splashes that turn pinkish in autumn and winter. A great cover plant for large gardens and public areas.

Introduced by Brookeside Gardens, Maryland, USA in 1990.


Latin name English name DECORATION FORM Evergreen plant Annual growth Aspect Density on 1 m2 Frost hardiness
from to
Clematis heracleifolia 'Pink Dwarf' Clematis heracleifolia 'Pink Dwarf' No Zones 4 - 9
Clematis heracleifolia 'Pink Dwarf'

Clematis heracleifolia 'Pink Dwarf'

An attractive, low growing perennial cultivar of wiry shoots. Long-blooming from August till October. Particularly suitable for growing in small gardens, along paths.


Latin name English name DECORATION FORM Evergreen plant Annual growth Aspect Density on 1 m2 Frost hardiness
from to
Rosa FAIRY DANCE 'Harward' Trailing rose FAIRY DANCE 'Harward' flowers No 0,4 m 3-6 Zones 5 - 8
Rosa FAIRY DANCE 'Harward'

Trailing rose FAIRY DANCE 'Harward'

A groundcover rose, long-blooming and highly resistant to disease. Well adapted to Polish winters. Ideally suited for urban green areas.

ORIGIN: Harkness, Great Britain ,1979.


Latin name English name DECORATION FORM Evergreen plant Annual growth Aspect Density on 1 m2 Frost hardiness
from to
Rosa 'Elfrid' Trailing rose 'Elfrid' flowers No 0,4 m 3-6 Zones 5 - 8
Rosa 'Elfrid'

Trailing rose 'Elfrid'

A groundcover rose of long-lasting bloom and high disease resistance. Withstands Polish winters. Well-adjusted to urban conditions. 


Latin name English name DECORATION FORM Evergreen plant Annual growth Aspect Density on 1 m2 Frost hardiness
from to
Rosa YELLOW FAIRY Rose YELLOW FAIRY flowers No 0,3-0,4 m 5-7 Zones 6 - 8


A groundcover rose blooming generously over a long time with attractive yellow flowers. Tolerates semi-shaded sites.


Latin name English name DECORATION FORM Evergreen plant Annual growth Aspect Density on 1 m2 Frost hardiness
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Rosa 'The Fairy' Trailing rose 'The Fairy' flowers No 0,4 m 3-6 Zones 6 - 8
Rosa 'The Fairy'

Trailing rose 'The Fairy'

Well known and liked cultivar of trailing rose. Flowering abundantly from June till autumn. Robust and well adapted to our climate. 

Raised by J.A. Bentall, Great Britain, 1932.


Latin name English name DECORATION FORM Evergreen plant Annual growth Aspect Density on 1 m2 Frost hardiness
from to
Rosa 'White Fairy' Trailing rose 'White Fairy' flowers No 0,4 m 3-6 Zones 6 - 8
Rosa 'White Fairy'

Trailing rose 'White Fairy'

A well proven cultivar of landscape rose, marked with long and abundant flowering, limited height and resistance to adverse conditions. Overwinters well.

Introduced in the market by Wirruna Nursery, Australia, 1988.


Latin name English name DECORATION FORM Evergreen plant Annual growth Aspect Density on 1 m2 Frost hardiness
from to
Hydrangea anomala 'Cordifolia' Climbing Hydrangea ‘Cordifolia’ leaves, flowers No 0,1 m Zones 5 - 7
Hydrangea anomala 'Cordifolia'

Climbing Hydrangea ‘Cordifolia’

A dwarf variety of roundish leaves 4-6 cm in diameter, green, glossy on the upper side and white and green underneath, serrated and set on long petioles. Flowers are sterile, cream coloured, honey scented and scarce, gathered in corymbs, blooming in June and July. It climbs by means of adventitious roots, reaching 1-1,5 m height (10 cm annual growth ratio. Frost hardy, undemanding, resistant to diseases and vermin. Prefers moist ...


Latin name English name DECORATION FORM Evergreen plant Annual growth Aspect Density on 1 m2 Frost hardiness
from to
Clematis 'Blue Sensation' Clematis 'Blue Sensation' flowers No 1-1,5 m 3-5 Zones 4 - 9
Clematis 'Blue Sensation'

Clematis 'Blue Sensation'

A perennial cultivar of violet-blue flowers opening from June to October. Recommended for  perennial borders or for planting among lower shrubs.

Raised by Gerard S. Kuijf, Netherlands.


Latin name English name DECORATION FORM Evergreen plant Annual growth Aspect Density on 1 m2 Frost hardiness
from to
Clematis 'Sizaia Ptitsa' Clematis 'Sizaia Ptitsa' flowers No 1,5-2 m 3-5 Zones 4 - 9
Clematis 'Sizaia Ptitsa'

Clematis 'Sizaia Ptitsa'

Perennial clematis with violet-blue, open flowers, borne from June to September. The sepals are narrow, twisted and have a deep violet stripe along the center. Crimson-purple anthers on violet-white filaments. The stems grow up to 1,5-2 m but are non-clinging, which means they need tying up or can lean against the support (as in case of a climbing rose). If grown without support, it will creep at ground level. Suitable ...

Raised by M. A. Beskaravainaya, Russia (former USSR). Named in 1979.


Latin name English name DECORATION FORM Evergreen plant Annual growth Aspect Density on 1 m2 Frost hardiness
from to
Clematis 'Ryuan' Clematis 'Ryuan' flowers No 1,7 m 3-5 Zones 6 - 9
Clematis 'Ryuan'

Clematis 'Ryuan'

An interesting Japanese cultivar of purple-dark blue velvety flowers 10 cm in diameter, consisting of 4 narrow, eliptic sepals and dark violet anthers on light violet filaments. Flowers borne from mid-June till September. Leaves single or trifoliate, often irregularly dented. Shoots don't climb over supports but can lean on them. Plant reaches 1.7 m height. Scrambles over ground when left without supports.

Particularly useful when growing around other plants or tied ...

Raised by Mikiyoshi Chikuma, Japan, before 2008 as a result of crossing Clematis florida with Clematis integrifolia


Latin name English name DECORATION FORM Evergreen plant Annual growth Aspect Density on 1 m2 Frost hardiness
from to
Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia Creeper leaves No 1-2 m Zones 4 - 9
Parthenocissus quinquefolia

Virginia Creeper

A strong-growing, self-clinging vine adhering itself to supports by means of leaf tendrils - commonly referred to as "Virginia Creeper". Tall-growing, reaches a height of 10-20m (1-2m of annual growth). A fully hardy, healthy and undemanding species. Green leaves turn brilliant scarlet in autumn giving a spectacular display.
An excellent subject for growing over fences, but may also be trained over arbors, pergolas and other supports. Makes good ground ...


Latin name English name DECORATION FORM Evergreen plant Annual growth Aspect Density on 1 m2 Frost hardiness
from to
Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris Climbing Hydrangea leaves, flowers VI-VII No 0,5-1 m 2-4 Zones 5 - 7
Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris

Climbing Hydrangea

A valuable, fully hardy, strong-growing climber reaching even 20 m (0,5-1 m of annual growth) in suitable trees. It attaches itself by means of aerial roots, though may require initial support. Flowers in corymbs, in June to July, greenish-white, with several large, prominent white florets along the margin. Green, ovate leaves on long petioles turn to yellow in autumn. Stems cooper-brown with peeling bark. Thrives best in moist and acid ...


Latin name English name DECORATION FORM Evergreen plant Annual growth Aspect Density on 1 m2 Frost hardiness
from to
Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety' Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety' leaves Yes 0,5 m 7-10 Zones 6 - 9
Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety'

Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety'

Small, 3 cm across, deep green leaves with irregular white margins. Stems creep along the ground, creating an effect of a green-white wave. Plant between 7 and 10 plants per square meter. It can freeze during harsh winters.


Latin name English name DECORATION FORM Evergreen plant Annual growth Aspect Density on 1 m2 Frost hardiness
from to
Hedera helix 'Białystok' Common Ivy 'Białystok' leaves Yes 1 m Zones 5B - 10
Hedera helix 'Białystok'

Common Ivy 'Białystok'

A strong-growing and strong-propagating Polish variety of ivy, relatively frost hardy, selected in North-eastern Poland. Large leaves(8-12 cm), usually with 5 lobes, leathery, evergreen. Dark green on the upper side, underside is light green, as are the veins on both sides. It clings to supports by means of aerial roots, climbing over walls and trees. Reaches 20 m height, growing about 1 m a year. Perennial plant more resistant to ...


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